“Behold, I am making all things new.” - Revelation 21:5
“But in this I stood, contemplating it generally, darkly and mournfully, saying in intention to our Lord with very great fear: Ah, good Lord, how could all things be well, because of the great harm which has come through sin to your creatures? And here I wished, so far as I dared, for some plainer explanation through which I might be at ease about this matter. And to this our blessed Lord answered, very meekly, and with a most loving manner, and he showed that Adam's sin was the greatest harm ever done or ever to be done to the end of the world. And he also showed me that this is plainly known to all Holy Church upon earth.
Furthermore, he taught that I should contemplate the glorious atonement, for this atoning is more pleasing to the blessed divinity and more honourable for man's salvation, without comparison, than ever Adam's sin was harmful. So then this is our blessed Lord's intention, and in this teaching we should pay heed to this: For since I have set right the greatest of harms, then it is my will that you should know through this that I shall set right everything which is less." Julian of Norwich” - Julian of Norwich, Showings, Chapter 29