We will be live streaming services on facebook.com/zionalaska at 9:30AM.
9:30am Divine Service
11:00am Sunday School and Bible Study
What to Expect
At Zion, we rejoice in the ancient and time-tested forms of liturgy and worship.
The Divine Service begins at 9:30 with a hymn and procession. We call our main service the "Divine Service," because God meets and serves His people with Word and Sacrament here. We begin with the Lord's Name, confess our sins, and receive his forgiveness. We hear his word, from the ancient scriptures, accompanied by a sermon for today. After the sermon, we lift our prayers to the Lord, along with our tithes. The Lord then calls us to the table of the Eucharist, where he feeds us with his true body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins. The Lord then sends us out into our lives blessed; forgiven and renewed in faith and love.
After the Divine Service, we normally mill about in the narthex, with a cup of coffee and something to eat, catching up with friends and neighbors.
11am brings the ringing of a bell, letting everyone know that Sunday School and Bible Study is beginning. The adults gather upstairs for a study, while the children go downstairs for their own class. Our worship services are intentionally highly structured, without much opportunity for questions, which is why we love gathering together around the Lord's word as a group for a more in depth and interactive discussion. You and your family will quickly learn to speak and sing in the way of the timeless church.
Come and join us as we grow as a community in Christ.
Advent and Lent Evening Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 7pm.